Each year, VOICES for Alabama’s Children publishes the Alabama Kids Count Data Book, the most trusted source of research on child well-being for all 67 counties in Alabama.

For more than 20 years, the Data Book has served as both a benchmark and roadmap for how children are faring and is used to raise visibility of children’s issues, identify areas of need, set priorities in child well-being and inform decision-making at the state and local levels.

As we look forward, we need to revisit how well our children are doing on existing issues and identify new emerging issues that will stretch our imagination to come up with workable solutions. If we say our children count, shouldn’t we be investing in proven programs and policy solutions to ensure they have the opportunity to succeed?

If you have any questions about the data or supporting documents, please call us at 334-213-2410 x 103.

Like the data? Visit the KIDS COUNT Data Center to access hundreds of indicators, download data and create reports and graphics!

REMINDER – Organizational Members receive one FREE copy of the Data Book (a $50 value). Click here to learn more about becoming an organizational member.

2019 Alabama Kids Count Data Book (PDF)

To order a copy – Please contact VOICES for Alabama’s Children’s office at [email protected] or call 334-213-2410 x 103 to order your copy of the 2019 Alabama Kids Count Data Book or download this order form and fax to 334-213-2413 or email to [email protected]. Forms may also be mailed to address listed on the form.

We thank our sponsors for their support and acknowledge that the findings and conclusions presented in the Alabama Kids Count Data Book are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of these foundations, organizations or individuals.

To view definitions and sources, click here.