Ensuring that children are in economically-stable and nurturing families and communities is an essential ingredient to better overall well-being.
Unfortunately, too many families are facing financial hardships that may trap their children for generations. Poverty often puts additional toxic stress on children, which can follow them throughout school and for the rest of their lives.1
VOICES for Alabama’s Children has worked to reduce generational poverty through years of reporting in the Alabama Kids Count Data Book research on economic well-being of Alabama’s children and their families. By educating Alabamians on the state’s budget and tax structure and what this means for our children, and by advocating policies that reduce the economic strain on hard-working families so they can properly care for their children.
In 2017, VOICES for Alabama’s Children led a historic legislative campaign in an attempt to regulate and inspect child care facilities. Many child care facilities in Alabama are not required to be inspected for basic health and safety standards, placing too many Alabama children at risk.
It’s a long journey, but we understand the importance of nurture and stability and believe that every child deserves the best chance to succeed in life.
Sources: 1Annie E. Casey Foundation. Poverty Matters.